Sustainable Travel
We believe that sustainability is very important when it comes to tourism and tourism development. Therefore, we strive to create awareness among our partners and guests about sustainable tourism. Here are some tips for sustainable travel.
- CO2 compensation
CO2 emissions during the flight and your stay in Suriname are first on the list when it comes to the negative side effects of traveling. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid it, but nowadays there are several ways you can compensate it. - Do not hold animals
It is very tempting to hold a monkey or caiman for a picture as a keepsake, but for the local people it is a reason to capture animals or keep them in captivity. Leave animals in their natural habitat as much as possible, so that they do not experience stress. - Do not show interest in animals in captivity
Wild animals are sometimes kept in cages as pets, for you to look at or for sale. DO NOT pay attention to this and, also, do not buy these pets to set them free. Interest stimulates this phenomenon and we do not want that. - Pictures of local people
Respect for locals is very important! Do not take pictures of people or their belongings without asking. This way, we can prevent that the visits of tourists are experienced as disturbing. In general, when you ask to take a picture, people will not mind. - Do not pay for pictures with people or animals
Sometimes, people ask for money for taking pictures of them, their belongings or animals. Do not pay for this and prevent commercialization. - Buy local products and pay a fair price
By buying local products and paying a fair price for it, it wil benefit the local community as much as possible. - Do not hand out things to children
To prevent begging, we advise you not to hand out candy, school stuff or something else directly to the children. If you want to contribute something, then go through a local project, a school, an orphanage or arrange something with your guide. - Child and forced labor
Luckily, it does not happy too often, but in case you are a witness of child or forced labor, report this with your tour operator. DO NOT buy food or other things from children on the street, so that this behavior in not stimulated. - Child sex tourism
Suriname is not a destination known for child sex tourism, but in case you come across a suspicious situation, please report this to your tour operator. At the website https://www.meldkindersekstoerisme.nl/en/ you can find more information about this subject. You can also report cases of child sex tourism there. - Forbidden souvenirs
Buying souvenirs that are made of endangered species or plants is punishable. In Suriname, it is not very common that these kinds of souvenirs are offered, but be aware. - Choose a fan over air-conditioning
A fan uses much less electricity than air-conditioning and still provides enough cooling. When using air-conditioning set the temperature at 24/25 degrees, which is already about 5 degrees cooler than outside. - Respect the local people, their traditions and adjust
Suriname is made up out of a lot of different population groups, each also with their own culture. Respect their traditions and adjust to them. Politeness is very important. Another tip: take off your shoes when you go into peoples’ houses! - Use water and energy consciously
Do not use unnecessary amounts of water and do not forget to turn off all electrical devices when you leave your accommodation. - Bring a reusable water bottle
The tap water in Paramaribo, in general, is of good quality and drinkable. At the resort in the interior often there is also filtered water available. Bring a water bottle with you that you can refill, which reduces the use of plastic and thus the amount of waste. - Leave no waste/cigarettes behind
Always bring your waste with you and throw it in a bin or garbage bag. Pay attention that during tours plastic bottles are separated from the other garbage and contribute to this.